Art-Exchange Project

Soap is a chemical reaction called saponification, which occurs when oil and a base (a solution of sodium hydroxide and water) react to produce soap and glycerin.

The term SOAP, Simple Object Access Protocol, also refers to a XML based protocol used for the exchange of information in a decentralized, distributed environment.

ART EXCHANGE is a participatory art project that includes both: a soap and an online exchange of information between you and me.

This project focuses on the transformation of a physical artwork into a virtual one.  I choose soap as an art material because of its functional and degradable properties.

I am inviting you to participate in this art-exchange. I give you an artwork, you use it, and in return you send me videos, photos or texts describing your interaction with the piece and its transformation. 

Finally, each soap sculpture will physically disappear and be replaced by its virtual form.

If you like to participate, please send me an email with your personal information and I will send you a piece of Sculp. E-mail:

Below you can see some examples of Sculp.


Everyday when we wake up, our bodies are slightly different.  When we are kids or teenager we are growing every day, even if it takes some months to perceive the differences. The same happen when we get old, we find a new terrible!!! wrinkle in our face or a new white hair in our head.

Transformations not only occur in our body but also in our minds, in nature and all around us.

Thinking about that, I felt the need for developing artworks that reflect the transformations and impermanency of our lives.  I started to work with degradable materials like soap, matches and recycled paper.

At the moment, I do not where these works are going but let see their transformations…