Dear Silvana,
It has been almost a year that I visited your studio space in the Bakehouse complex and received a beautiful little soap sculpture as part of a project. I realize that I am somewhat delayed in getting back to you, but I can report that the little sculpture has lived with me for almost a year in Berlin/Germany. I enclose two pictures (MiamiSoap1 and MiamiSoap2), which show where it started its Berlin life on my sink, all shiny and full of expectations. I have not had the courage to use it more than once or twice, because of fear of damaging its shape too much. Instead, I moved the sculpture to the side of my bathtub, from where it has been watching my daily procedures. I can confirm that the little soap fellow has been extremely discrete about what it saw. But the year has not gone unnoticed. It has grown a somewhat opaque whitish surface, probably the sign of older age with soaps (they do not know how to develop wrinkles). I enclose a picture recently taken, which shows the somewhat opaque surface.
The next plan is that it will be keeping me company in my shower and will actually be used, at least to the extent of making it shiny again. I will report on the progress and hope this first report still reaches you in time for your project.
Best regards, Ulrich