Hi Silvana
I just want to write to you and thank you for giving us this opportunity to participate in your project. I am very excited and hope that your soap transforms to something lovely. I almost don't want to use it because I love the colors but know I must. Anyway i hope you like and enjoy how my soap takes form. i am sending you two pics today one before its first use and one after its first use.
I placed my lovely new soap in a proper soap dish. The nicest one I had. Before its first use it stood nicely. OK here I go, I don't want to use it, but I know I must. I will wash my hands with it today. I do, the soap feels funny in my hands. I do not get much lather at all. It seems to just slip between my fingers but in a dry way. I attempted to place it back onto its soap dish but it begins to slide back. To slippery now it will not stand tall in the soap dish. I stand it up in the counter. There that's better, but it does not belong there. Back it goes into the soap dish, it will lay there now again till its next use.